LJB Studio
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LJB Studio
Beautiful Mediterranean Inspired Artwork


 About Nicole Vieracker, the Artist behind LJB Studio

Why I create art

Life isn't always smooth sailing. I've had my share of rough patches, dealing with mental health struggles during my teenage years and later during pregnancy. It's a journey many of us go through, even if we don't always talk about it.

The most valuable gift I have received throughout these more difficult phases of my life was connection.

The feeling of connection to other people that made me realize that I was not alone in what I was going through. But also the feeling of connection to the beauty of this world and life that made me aware that even though I was not able to see it at the moment, the beautiful and happy moments would return eventually.

Through my artwork, I aim to bring that same sense of connection into your life, hoping my paintings bring perspective, light and hope into your home and every day life.

My Story and Artistic Background

I grew up in a quiet village in Southern Germany where I fell in love with art early on, thanks to my mom introducing me to painting when I was just a kid. But even with all the paint and brushes around, I never felt like I fit in. While other kids were into games and gossip, I preferred being at home, immersed in my own world of art and books. I spent hours experimenting with different painting techniques, teaching myself through books and magazines. Inspired by the likes of Sorolla and Monet, I indulged in their works, learning from their mastery and incorporating their techniques into my own. But the fact that my interests were so different from the kids around me, made me doubt myself a lot, wondering if I even mattered or if life had a point.

So, after high school, I took off to explore the world, thinking maybe I'd find some answers out there. And you know what? I did. Traveling from one place to another, meeting people who felt just like me, I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. Seeing the beauty of the world opened my eyes to a simpler way of thinking - life's about experiencing it, the good and the bad.

When 2020 hit and we were all stuck at home, I rediscovered my love for painting. And now, with every stroke, I'm sharing the lessons I've learned. Through my art, I want to show others that even when life feels tough, there's still beauty all around us.

Dealing with mental health stuff was a big part of my journey, and it's why I create art. I want to spread the message that we're not alone in our struggles. Together, let's paint a world where we all feel a bit more connected and understood.

Art is a very intuitive process for me. So I like to experiment with how I bring that vision to life. From watercolor and acrylic landscapes inspired by my chosen home, the island of Sardinia, and my travels around the globe to concept illustrations that express more complex, internal processes and learnings to custom illustrations through which my clients are able to create instant connection between their vision and audience — you will find a wide variety in my work.

So, come join me on this adventure where art meets soul. Let's find the magic in everyday life together.